Toppings for MultiSeed Brittles



MultiSeed Brittles

Ideas for Toppings:

For a light and refreshing option slice some tomatoes and some mozzarella cheese, put onto the Brittles and sprinkle over some fresh chopped basil.
Slice a fig. Lay some parma ham onto the Brittles and put the sliced fig on top. You could also pop this under a hot grill for a few moments.
Fry some bits of bacon, streaky or back. Spread the Brittles with some soft cheese and add the bacon bits. You could also add some sliced mini tomatoes.
Spread the Brittles with hummus. Chop some olives and scatter on top with some fresh basil.
Put a small amount of horseradish on the Brittles. Add some smoked salmon and top with slices of fresh cucumber.
Spread the Brittles with Baba Ganoush and garnish with fresh cucumber.
Make a herbed yoghurt and spread onto the Brittles. Garnish with fresh basil.
Mash a hard boiled egg with mayonnaise and a tiny pinch of salt. Spread onto the crackers and for a fiery note sprinkle on some paprika. Alternatively add the cooked bacon bits!
Spread goats cheese onto the Brittles, pop under a hot grill for a moment then top with Roots & Wings Organic Cranberry Sauce.